
Online Learning

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The date teaching changed for the foreseeable future and hasn’t been the same since. On this day Prime Minister Boris Johnson called for a national lockdown to slow the spread of something called coronavirus – not sure if you’ve heard of it! Schools shut nationwide, many shifted to online teaching methods whilst exams were scrapped. People will say online teaching and online exams have given the students of today an easy pass through education, I beg to differ. The stresses facing students with the variable of online learning has never been more intense. More students have stated they’re struggling from some form of mental health issues and some blogs can be found on our Mental Health Section. Many more struggling to find motivation to study during these times (we’ve got a blog on procrastinating!). Although these measures have been, somewhat, since relaxed teaching has not been the same since.

It’s not all been dark and gloomy, the rise in online learning saw many universities provide pre-recorded lectures for those who can’t make the actual lectures. This allows the student to learn in their own time- I know I benefited from this!

As always I will provide three top tips on how to cope with online learning.

  1. Have a planner/diary to structure out your day, this will help you not lose track of what to do!
  2. Try and stay on top of your work, stick to your university timetable as pre recorded lectures are easy to ignore
  3. Take some time to get off the screen, don’t go from ur laptop/ tablet after a lecture onto your phone to watch Netflix (I know I am guilty of doing this😂)- rest your eyes

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