Should I get a job at university?

Being a student living away from home is exceptionally hard, you face new challenges you haven’t faced before. You’ve got the challenge of what to eat (lucky for you we’ve already got a blog on how to manage that), the challenge of balancing work and social lives (Atozmed has got a blog for this too!…

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How to stop procrastinating?

Picture this: You are in the build up to the exam season and you have yet to catch-up on this weeks lecture notes. You wake up early, go for a morning run, eat healthy and sit down to work. Maybe you get an hours work done before you decide to take a 10 minute break.…

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How to meet new people at university?

Whether you’re new to university, feel a bit lonely (we have just the blog for you – link to feeling alone at uni), or simply just bored of your current friends – those of you who’ve met our co-founder Ahmed know what I’m talking about – making friends is one of the most common questions…

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Feeling lonely at University?

26%. This is the proportion of university students who feel lonely according to a survey carried out by ONS, the UK’s largest independent producer of official statistics. Compared to just 8% of the general population who share the same feeling, it’s clear that the problem of loneliness between students is common and deep rooted and…

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Online Learning

20/03/2020 The date teaching changed for the foreseeable future and hasn’t been the same since. On this day Prime Minister Boris Johnson called for a national lockdown to slow the spread of something called coronavirus – not sure if you’ve heard of it! Schools shut nationwide, many shifted to online teaching methods whilst exams were…

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How to Manage Life Away from Home

As a student who only lives 45 minutes away from home I can only speak for a handful of students when I say living away from home is not that bad at all! The peace of mind you gain and living with your friends might however seem amazing at first but once the cooking and…

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How to deal with Food at University?

One hundred pot noodles, 50 take-aways and 75 failed attempts at the perfect lasagne after my firstnight in living away from home, I am finally getting the hang of how to handle food at university. Thewhole point of this blog is to spare you the dry pot noodles, overpriced takeaways and unnecessaryfire alarms that came…

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